How to make a poem
How to start making your own poem?
Find a topic to make a poem on. After you find a topic , try to create a story on that topic. For example - your topic is nature. What all do you find that relate with nature ? Flowers , water, birds etc. Try to create a story on these things using rhyming words.
How to get ideas for making a poem?
There are many things around you , you can create a poem according to your choice on anything that you think you are capable to make a poem on.
How to use rhyming words in your poem
After you made your story on the topic you chose for making poem on try to use rhyming words at last of each line.
For example : I am playing with ball and bat
It's hot so I am wearing a hat
While playing I saw a black cat.
As you saw in the above lines bat , hat and cat rhyme with each other
In the same way you can too create lines that rhyme with each other in your poem
After you finish making your poem
Review it and read it. You can make a poem that has 20 lines or according to your wish.
Thanks for reading
These are some tips you can keep in mind while making a poem
Hope it helped you.
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